Archive for On the Job


Posted in Crazy Fuckers, crime and punishment, Prison with tags on June 11, 2008 by Pure Evyl

I was going through my posts that deal with my job as a Corrections Officer. It seems that I have a tendency to write as if I do not have a great deal of respect for inmates. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In order to get respect one must show respect. It is a common problem among many officers.

I remember when I first made lieutenant and an inmate approached me with a problem. I am always ready to help an inmate if that inmate has a legitimate complaint or grievance. The inmate stated that he had a problem with an officer on the day shift and was wondering if I would talk to the officer. He explained that sometimes the officer called him a punk and sometimes that the officer called him a bitch. He went on to explain that these were the worst two things that an inmate could be called.

I know full well that these are the worst names that one can call an inmate and told the inmate that I would talk to the officer. I went on to say, ‘There is no way that an officer has a right to talk to you like that. Even if you are a punkassbitch, no one should call you that.’ As the inmate left, I could see by the look in his eye that he appreciated my show of respect.